SALISBURY — For its 50th anniversary, Historic Salisbury Foundation is funding $50,000 in exterior preservation grants to homeowners.
The $1,000 grants apply to homes in historic districts not protected by local ordinance and all household incomes are eligible with varying levels of funding.
Houses 50 years old or older located in the following historic districts are eligible:
• Livingstone College
• Kessler Manufacturing
• North Long Street-Park Avenue
• Salisbury Railroad Corridor
• Fulton Heights
The foundation’s Revolving Fund Committee will review each application and the work must meet the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation. The funding will award up to 50 homeowners and is first come first served.
“Owning an historic home can be an amazing experience, but it also requires special care,” says Kimberly Stieg, executive director. “This is our way of supporting homeowners who have chosen these wonderful homes by encouraging an exterior maintenance project that may have been neglected due to costs. It’s an offering that benefits not only the homeowner, but can have a positive impact on the entire block.”
The mission of HSF is to preserve, protect and revitalize the historic fabric of Salisbury and Rowan County. The grants are available from a revolving fund specifically established for the protection and stabilization of historic properties and neighborhoods. The first ever of an offering of this scale, but what better time than during a yearlong celebration of preservation achievements that began in 1972 by Historic Salisbury Foundation’s founder, Edward Clement.